The quick thing about VNC
Version 0.1.21
Updated with MSLogon Decryption by Ashburn (deon_force@asia-global-risk.com)
Asia Global Risk
vncrack_src-1.21.tar.gz is the Linux source
vnccrack-win32-1.21.rar is the Windows source
Version 0.1.17 BETA 3
(as usual for Linux)
vncrack.gz is the dynamic linked version (glibc2)
vncrack_s.gz is the static one
Windows console application VNCrackX4 (bugfixed)
Source of version 0.1.17 BETA 3
vncrack_src.tar.gz includes the source of
VNCrack and parts of the VNC original source. You will notice some strage
for() loops in the brute force part - these are an experiment to speed up
brute force by using for()'s instead of recursive functions.
VNCrackX4 source
vnx4.c is the source for windows. Build a library from
the VNC windows source code files vncauth.c and d3des.c and link it against
this code.